Butler Buildings

Here is some information about our building product:

C&M Sales is a “Career Builder” with Butler Manufacturing Company. Only Butler Builders who have demonstrated total competence in design and construction are eligible for this highest level of affiliation. 

Why build a Steel Building?

A steel building system offers significant cost and performance advantages over conventional construction methods. With systems construction, each part is engineered and designed so that a pre-engineered steel building system can be built with greater speed and precision than is generally possible using conventional methods. A steel building will give you greater clear-span distances (no need for support in the center) and certain insurance companies will make allowances for lower rates due to the non-combustibility of steel construction.

What does this mean for you?

This means having a structure that is strong, beautiful and durable with great flexibility to meet your design needs. 

Butler Manufacturing Company’s headquarters is located in Kansas City, MO. Butler began in 1901 and is currently the world’s leading producer of pre-engineered steel building systems.  C&M Sales has been a Butler Career Builder since 1976 and continues to partner with Butler Manufacturing to offer state of the art building designs.